3 BIG things have occurred in the past few weeks. No no no not big, HUGE.
1) I turned 21!
2) I saw The Black Keys at MSG
3) I got to hang out with the most coolest up and coming band
So to start, I turned 21 and it was pretty cool. My license came in the mail and my picture looks like I ate everyone in the DMV just before they snapped that brilliant photo. Yes, I look like a cow meets Mrs. Potato Head but that beautiful mug is what got me into 13th Step on the Lower East Side. SO WHO CARES!?
I felt like hot shit, (excuse my french.) There I was, ridin' dirty, passing the bouncers because I LEGALLY COULD!
Earlier that day, I bought a fun little
one shoulder dress from American Apparel. Paired that with black tights and black, suede, high-healed booties, Maggie and Sam did my hair and makeup and I was good to go.
Maggie looked stunning in a flowy Zara top, hot pants, and some crazy high heals. Sam kept it super chic in a little tank, tight jeans and pretty little flats.
Even though the weather absolutely sucked, (it rained)
13th Step was packed with people of all sorts. I had an assortment of people wishing me a Happy Birthday and then they looked really shocked when I told them it was my 21st. They thought I was 17... They also told me "It all goes down from here." (Real encouraging world.)
I could not have been happier with how the night went and I was so stoked to be out with the people I care about most, friends old and new!
We somehow found ourselves at a Taco Bell and then ended up at Sam's apartment.
Me-Maggie-Sam |
It was a fantastic birthday!

My dad had given me tickets to see The Black Keys for Christmas, (BEST DAD EVER!) I was so excited to go, but with the hype of being 21, I almost forgot about the concert completely. Because Sam is a fellow Auerbach lover, I asked her to come with. Minutes before the show we chowed down on some eggs n' toast and sprinted to MSG! High on life and butterflies fluttering in our stomachs we skipped up to the tippy top level of MSG where we unsuccessfully could not find our seats. We ended up sitting in some random row that most definitely belonged to someone else. Well, we never actually sat, but nonetheless, danced in front of someones seats. We swayed to the sweet, sweet sounds of the sexy Mr. Dan Auerbach and the awesomely awesome Patrick Carney. I know I wasn't there, but it seriously felt like we were transported/teleported/whatever-ported back to the 1970's. There was a screen behind them with there faces enlarged but other than that, nothing crazy fancy. It made you appreciate the music that much more. They played all of my favorite songs and I was practically peed my pants when they started playing
Thickfreakness, it was so freakin amazing! We then managed to run down, past the ushers and guards, used our charm on some taller gentlemen and squeezed our way through a few drunk couples until we were very, VERY close to the stage. Well...not that close, but close enough. The boys came back out for an encore and in all the screams, shrieks and hootin' n' hollerin' an enormous disco ball was lowered above the stage. They began to play
Everlasting Light and that's when it happened. I cried. It was so beautiful and I just got lost in it.
It was such an awesome night and I was even more proud of myself that it was a Monday, and I was out!
I grew up in a fairly small town, and our only little claims to fame was that Jesse McCartney went to our school and that Marc Zuckerberg went there at some point. However, that is all going to change very soon!
The Enthusiasts are an up and coming band that are rocking this world. Joey, Dylan and G are probably the three coolest kids you'll ever meet and I feel very lucky to be friends with them! I have them to thank for introducing me to The Black Keys, Jay Reatard, (RIP...right?) The Pixies, (I think) and The White Stripes. Well, I was already a fan of Jack and Meg, but they idolized Mr. White a little too much, so I'll give them the credit.
Anywaysss, Dylan messaged me to tell me they were playing at
The Cake Shop and to come show my support. So I grabbed my most bad ass Frye boots, a T-shirt with bald eagles on the front and Maggie and headed down to The Cake Shop. It was so awesome getting to catch up with old friends-*sniff, sniff* we're all so grown up! We grabbed some drinks, hugged and chatted and then the boys finally went on to play their set. THEY KILLED IT! I was so impressed with their performance and found myself cheering, screaming and dancing around with Maggie. Joey plays guitar and sings with so much soul, I loved the way he played his way around the room. G swayed and played ever so smoothly managing to never bump into Joey the entire time. Dylan rocked out on the drums and had a few of the ladies swooning when he took off his shirt! They have so much passion for what they do and I strongly suggest you pay attention to them because they are going to take off. I was so in love with their performance I decided to make them my first male doodles of the 10pm blog!

I was inspired by their style, from Joey's jean jacket embellished with rhinestones in a giant "E" on the back, G's clean cut look, to Dylan...well... showing some skin, I doodled them!
Check out their site and listen to their music! It's pretty sweet man!
It's been an eventful March, that's for sure. Oh and Jerry O'Connel got on the subway today while I was on it!
Good week, no no, great week!
Keep on Keepin' on
Down in Mexico- The Coasters
The Go Getter- The Black Keys
Magic Mirror- The Enthusiasts
The Happy Song- Otis Redding