I am so excited to write this post for a number of reasons:
1)It's Friday
2) I'm that much closer to being done with school
3) It's about my beautiful friend, Jess
Jess and I met in the Menswear program at FIT. She immediately stuck out to me as the sassy Latina chick with big hair. I instantly wanted to be her friend and as soon as that happened was dubbed the name Lil' Whitey by Jess and a few other we hung around with.
Jess was always full of smiles and explained to me all the things a girl should look out for in life. Boy problems, girl problems, city problems- you name it, Jess prepared me. She is an incredible multi-tasker- Girl was workin' it back in the day! School, a job, sewing homework and making time for family and friends.
Jess and Matias make their first public appearance together |
She moved last year out to California for an incredible design job and she has come so far from being the sassy Latina chick running around NYC! Don't get me wrong, she still is that sassy Latina chick, but she will have to juggle one more thing in her busy schedule...
...A BABY!
Matias Ramon will be arriving in a mere 67 days and I can hardly wait! I do partially feel responsible for the birth of little Matias. No I did not get Jess preggo- that is impossible! BUT I did
sorta kinda set her up with her other half.
Her BF was also in the Menswear program with Jess and I. He wore glasses. I thought he was cool. I remember sewing my life away with him, he was impressed by my rap skills and surprised that I was singing the old stuff, (Nice and Smooth, NWA, older Beastie Boys, you knowwww.) Jess told me she thought he was cute. A lil' bit of Lil' Whitey's magic and they are two happy little clams, peas in a pod, the peanut butter to her jelly, the cookies to his milk... I think you get the point. Of course there is more to that story, but that story is their story, so I'll leave it for them to tell Matias someday!
They are going to be amazing parents and I am so excited to see their beautiful future together. I also can't wait to meet Matias! He is going to be the tall, dark and handsome type- look out ladies!
I hate to close on a sad note, but the world said goodbye to a legend. RIP Adam Yauch, you were amazing, thank you for your music.
Adam Yauch, The Beastie Boys |